
jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

Tarea 3*

1. Watch the video entitled 'First Day of High School' in the video section on the Main Page or click on the title.
2. What differences can you find when you compare the school in the video with our own school.
3. Write a text following the model below:
    In the American school, students can/do, etc,
    In our school students ..........
    The American school has ...... but our school   
    has/hasn't .....
4. Copy the video on your blog. Paste the text on your blog.

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Tarea 2*:La Escuela Americana y Española

                                     Schoold American and Schoold Spain


                                                     American Schoold             
American schoold there people from several countries ands is bigger thans ours and have cheerladers basketball camp

                                                      Spanish Schoold          
In my Schoold is Schoold is smaller and no cheerladers any have basketball camp big and no cheerladers not like theirs

                                                        By:Jorge And Rochelle

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Tarea 1*:Presentacion

My name is Jorge i have twelvee years old i live in Malagá  in the street Ciudad Real number 9 my old schoold is Gutierrez Mata my favorite sport an hooby is Football an pley tude console